Mining conglomerate Vedanta has clarified the details of its
complicated corporate
reorg anisa ti on. The management
shared its visionata recent investor
meeting. The group has also outlined its plans to deleverage
debtevenas it goes ahead with
capital expenditure (capex) plans.
Parent Vedanta Resources
(OVRL) hasmanagedtocarryouta
debt restructuring, raisingbonds in
January 2024. As result, VRL'snet
debt should reduce to $6.2 billion
by the end of the current financial
year (FY24) and according to management, debt should reduce
to$3billion by FY27.The
restructure has pushed the average
maturityat VRLto2.5 years from
theearlierlyear. Thishasresulted
ina morebalanced riskstructure
butthe cost of financingis higher.
This residual debt would be
dividends from subsidiaries. The
VRL cost of borrowing would be a
keymonitorable inthe future.
VRLs debtobligationsareabout
$1.6-1.8billion in FY25and FY26.
Listed Indian subsidiary Vedanta
may pay a dividend pershare of340
inFY25and FY26,tohelp meet
VRL’sdebtobligations. Vedanta
willneed tomonetise thesteeland
iron oreassets and this process,
which is estimated toraise $2
billion, couldstartin Q1FY25.1In
addition, the promoters can offload
upto11.9 per centstake, retaining
50.1per centstake in Vedanta.
Vedantaisundergoing major
capex. Capex in the aluminium and
zincbusinessesare scheduledtobe
completed in FY25. Overall,
Vedantais undertakinga $6 billion capex investment to increase
capacitiesacross aluminium, zinc,
ironore,oil and gas, steel,and
ferrochrome. The group expectsto
have apaybackonthetotal capex in about three yearswith an Ebitda
potential of $2.5-3 billion per
annumand incremental revenues
of$6 billion per annum.
Capex inaluminiumand zinc
shouldresultin an incremental
cash flow of $1 billion-plus per
annumonce the plants ramp up
fully, which could be in H2FY26.
The guidance is for aluminiu Ebitda per tonne of $1,000 from
end-FY26assumingan LME
aluminium price of$2,350 per
tonne. Overall, Vedanta’s FY25
Ebitdaistargeted to hit $5.6-5.7
billion, though conservative
analysts may assume lower
The existing company will be
splitinto Vedanta Aluminium,
Vedanta Oil and Gas, Vedanta
Power, Vedanta Steel and Ferrous
Materials, Vedanta Base Metalsand
Vedanta tobe retained. The split
intosixlisted vertical entities will
be donebytheend-FY25assuming
Sebi clearance. It’'s a proposed
simplesplit, with investors
receivinga single share ofeach of
the five newentities foreveryshare
heldin Vedanta.
Thisreorganisation could
unlockalotofvalue. In particular, it
could enhance the power
subsidiary’svaluations. Investors
can focuson pure-play verticals
and divest the businessestheyare
notinterested in. The aluminium
businesswillinclude the Lanjigarh
refinery, Jharsugudasmelteranda
power businessincludes 190mw
TalwandiSabo Power, 600mw
JharsugudaIPP, 1,000mw
Meenakshi Energy and 1,200mw
Athena. The Oiland Gasbusinessis
theerstwhile Cairn Oil& Gas. The
Steel&ferrous businessincludes
SesalIron Ore, Sesa Coke, Liberia
(ironore) and ESL Steel. The Base
Metals vertical willhold Zinc
International, Tuticorin Smelter,
KCMand Fujairah Gold.
Vedantawill continue tohold its
6492 per cent stakein listed
Hindustan Zinc (HZL). The
Aluminiumbusiness, HZL, and
Cairn contribute around 67-70 per
centofVedanta’s current revenue.
Assteel capacity doubles, ESL’s
revenue contribution should riseto
7 percentby FY26 (5percentin
FY23). The debtrestructure,
corporate reorganisation and
capex plansalllook positive
butthedebt overhang remains a
cause for concern.
According to Bloomberg, 5 of
the10 analysts polled thisweek are
bullish on the stock,3havea
‘reduce/sell’ rating, and one eachis
‘neutral’ and ‘not rated’. Their
average one-year target
priceis Rs299.44, indicatinga
potential upside of about 14 per
cent from current levels 0f 3262.80.