WEALTHY INDIANS, biz families, cos want ambiguities to be removed to diversify assets, strategise
Mumbai: The Reserve Bank of India
(RBI) will meet banks to sort out the
grey areas in overseas investment
(OI) regulations which have stalled
the plans of several wealthy Indians,
business families, and startups from
taking exposures to foreign securities, funds and companies.
Can a resident individual subscribetoan ‘unregulated’ fund in Singapore? Can a local startup buy into a
fintech firm abroad? Is a high-networth (HNI) individual barred from
holdingfixed deposits inan offshore
bank? Will an Indian company holdingaminority stake, but havingno
‘control’, in a foreign company have
to walk the extra mile on compliance? For months many Indians, keen
to diversify their assets and execute
business strategies, have been looking for unequivocal answers to a
slew of such questions.
Besides, clearing the fog on such
matters would help individuals and
companies avoid any violation of
the Foreign Exchange Management
Act (FEMA).
The central bank has asked leading
authorised dealer banks, who handle
the transfer of money for such offshore investments, to identify the issues.
Officials of RBI's Overseas Investment Department are scheduled to
meet bankers this week, two persons
aware of the matter told ET. Bankers
and practitioners believe it would mark a beginning in resolving some
of the issues which have been hanging fire for over a year.
Eversincenew regulations were announced by the RBI in mid-2022, ambiguities have cropped up with banks
taking different stands based on interpretations of their respective
compliance departments. Some of
the remittance proposals have also
been stalled by banks in the wake of a
widely shared perception that there
is discomfort among the authorities
inallowinglarge outflows.
“The OI Rules and Regulations lack
clarity on quite a few issues— primarily due to there beingno FAQs issued
by thefinance ministry or RBI todate.
While some of these issues have received clarity through some of the AD
banks or RBI officials, it would be bettertohaveanofficial circular or FAQs
so that investors at large have full clarity;” said Rutvik Sanghvi, partner at
the CA firm Rashmin Sanghvi & Associates. The key issues, according to Sanghvi, which “require clarification in
black and whiteare understandingof
the permitted number of subsidiaries in case of round-tripped structures; definition of ‘control’ and ‘realestate activity’; investment in overseas
‘unregulated’ mutual funds with regulated fund managers; arm’s length
concept in pricing guidelines where
transactions are between unrelated
entities; investment in foreign startups where there is no law governing
startups in the host country. There
are other open issues specific to resident individuals related to investment in fixed deposits vis-a-vis prohibition on ‘unlisted debt’; application
of FCRA to foreign securities received as a gift; setting up family offices
either outside India or through IFSC;
apart from issues on amendments
made under LRS.”
Besides, authorities are yet to clear
the air over setting up a family office
by setting up a family investment BHAVIN G
fund in GIFT City Many HNISs are also unsure whether they can invest in
funds in Singapore and the US where
the manager of the fund is regulated
but not the fund itself.
Overseas direct investment, or ODI,
is one where a resident person holds
more than 10% stake or exercises
control over the overseas investee entity even with less than 10% holding.
While other investments are largely
categorised as overseas portfolio investments (OPI), even a nominal investment inan unlisted company can
qualify as ODI. ODIs (unlike OPIs) have additional compliance and reportingrequirements.
The paperwork is even more important when there is an element of control which is defined as the right to appoint majority shareholders or havinga say on management and policy
decisions. “However, banks are insisting on extra compliance when a resident plansto hold over10% buthasno
control over the foreign company,” said another person.
Individuals investabroad through
RBI’s liberalised remittance scheme which allows $250,000 offshore
investments in securities and immovable propertiesbutnot in unlisted debt. RBI is yet to clarify whetherFDsare categorised as ‘unlisted
debt’. Besides, such investors are
required to bring back idle funds
within six months, and many of
them are failing to meet the minimum balance needed to keep bank