VODAFONE IDEA CONTINUES to lose subscribers as Jio and Bharti Air-tel gained subscribers in December 2023, according to the latest Traidata.
Vodafone Idea lost 1.38 million
wireless subscribers compared with
aloss of 1.07 million subscribers in
November. Reliance Jio added 3.99
million netwireless subscribers com-
pared with 3.45 million in November.
Bharti Airtel managed to add 1.85
million subscribers,abit higherthan
the previous month.
The combined mobile connection
additions went up 35.78% to 4.32
million from November to Decem-
ber-end.BSNLIost 0.15 millionwire-
less users in December, about 84%
lower than the earlier month.
BhartiAirtelleads the active sub-
scriber tally with over 98.9% of
active subscribers. — AGENCIES