Mumbai, 3 April
The Association of Mutual Funds in India (Amfi) also directed fund houses to provide investors with additional disclosures on the risk of small and midcap funds. The smallcap index plunged 9 per cent after the Sebi chief raised concerns. Elevated valuations in the small and midcap segments had been a concern for a while, but the regulator's message and action intensified the selling pressure. Sebi chief's comments came in the week when mutual funds were supposed to submit stress-test reports on mid and smallcap schemes. Raids against Dubai-based trader Hari Shankar Tibrewala led to a selloff in the smallcap stocks where he has exposure.
From its March lows, the smallcap segment has gained 13 per cent. The top gainers include Angel One, up 28 per cent, National Aluminum Company (up 27.5 per cent) and Cochin Shipyard (up 22 per cent). After the latest rebound, the Smallcap 100 is down just 2.5 per cent from its all-time high in February 2024.
“Despite the noise regarding valuation concerns and foul play in the segment, quarterly results are expected to be unaffected. Smallcap is where retail investors are invested, and it gains largely on recommendations from their brokers and peers.